Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

[B928.Ebook] Ebook Free Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Edogawa Rampo

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Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Edogawa Rampo

Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Edogawa Rampo

Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Edogawa Rampo

Ebook Free Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Edogawa Rampo

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Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Edogawa Rampo

This collection of mystery and horror stories is regarded as Japan's answer to Edgar Allan Poe.

Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination, the first volume of its kind translated into English, is written with the quick tempo of the West but rich with the fantasy of the East. These nine bloodcurdling, chilling tales present a genre of literature largely unknown to readers outside Japan, including the strange story of a quadruple amputee and his perverse wife; the record of a man who creates a mysterious chamber of mirrors and discovers hidden pleasures within; the morbid confession of a maniac who envisions a career of foolproof "psychological" murders; and the bizarre tale of a chair-maker who buries himself inside an armchair and enjoys the sordid "loves" of the women who sit on his handiwork.

Lucid and packed with suspense, Edogawa Rampo's stories found in Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination have enthralled Japanese readers for over half a century.

Mystery stories include:

  • The Human Chair
  • The Caterpillar
  • Two Crippled Men
  • The Traveler with the Pasted Rag Picture

  • Sales Rank: #317121 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-05-10
  • Released on: 2012-05-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .60" w x 5.13" l, .50 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 224 pages

"Rampo is Japan's foremost writer of mystery and tales of suspense." —The Journal of Asian Studies

"Japan's most famous mystery story writer is named Edogawa Rampo. Rampo took this name because he is a great admirer of Poe. When a visiting American asked [a noted Japanese psychologist] if the Japanese reading public didn't confuse Rampo with the real Edgar Allan Poe, he replied, 'Oh, no … Edogawa Rampo is much more famous.'" —New York Times Book Review

About the Author
Edogawa Rampo (Hirai Taro, 1894-1965) is widely regarded as the father of Japanese mystery writing. Born in Mie Prefecture, he graduated in 1916 from Waseda University and took on a series of odd jobs, working as an accountant, clerk, salesman, and peddler of noodles from a cart, before discovering his vocation as a writer. The first modern writer of mysteries in Japan, and long-time president of the Japan Mystery Writers' Club, Rampo derived his pen name from the Japanese pronunciation of Edgar Allan Poe, under whose spell he fell early in his career.

Dr. Patricia Welch is an Associate Professor of Japanese and Comparative Literature in the Department of Comparative Literature at Hofstra University.

Most helpful customer reviews

38 of 38 people found the following review helpful.
Japanese Wierd Tales
By Zack Davisson
I can think of few more truly disturbing stories than Edogawa Rampo's "The Chair." A psychologically fable describing in minute detail how a master furniture maker, obsessed with an unachievable woman, creates a chair with himself hidden inside. This chair is given to the woman, and each time she sits in it she nestles unknowingly in his lap, puts her weight onto him, lays her head against his face. The furniture maker silently feels her every night, without her ever knowing. The atmosphere, the detail of the language, and the sheer nature of the story combine for one of the classics of this genre.

"The Chair" is of course included in "Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination," a compilation by the father of Japanese mystery writing. Much is made of his adopting the Japanese pronunciation of Edgar Allan Poe as his pen name, but Rampo's style is his own. He favors psychological horror, and there are few elements of the supernatural to be found. Sociopaths and obsessives seem to be his stock in trade, with detailed exercises on how to commit the perfect, untraceable murder. Many of the stories end with some unexpected revelation, although I would not call it a "twist ending." The obsessive nature of the stories renders them all the more disturbing, as almost every story is something that could conceivably happen.

In addition to the excellent "The Chair," you will find "The Caterpillar" featuring a cruel wife's abuse of her de-limbed husband, "The Cliff," a back-and-forth story that will leave you wondering who is manipulating who, "The Hell of Mirrors," a man obsessed with optics and reflecting surfaces descent into insanity, "The Red Chamber," revealing the true nature of those who are attracted to stories of others deaths, "The Two Crippled Men," a story of a murderous sleepwalker who commits crimes without ever knowing it and "The Traveler with the Pasted Rag Picture," the only story with a supernatural twinge, showing brotherly devotion and love of the unreal.

Each story in "Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination" is well-selected, and James B. Harris does a fine job with the translation, maintaining the tension and original intention. The only real shame is that this is the only collection of Rampo's works that has been translated into English. After reading this you will long for more.

24 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
A wonderful collection of stories!
By maxmasa31
I am a huge Japanophile and a lover of dark tales of mystery and I found that this book is the best of both worlds. After reading these stories, I pulled out my dusty old collection of Poe stories and started reading them all over. The translations are excellent (despite a few questionable spellings) and the overall feel of the novel is very Poe-esque (undoubtedly because Edogawa Ranpo, himself, assisted the translator in the creation of this collection).
While a few reviewers have criticized Edogawa Ranpo for his stories lacking Poe's feel for the dark horror novel, one must know that Edogawa Ranpo is regarded as the father of the Japanese MYSTERY novel, not horror. So, for anyone hoping to get a good scare from this book, you will be let down.
But, with that said, the stories are wonderful and I, quite honestly, would have forgotten that the stories were set in Japan if not for character names. A beautiful collection of dark mysteries that would please fans of Poe's "The Purloined Letter" and "The Tell-Tale Heart," but not necessarily fans of "The Pit and the Pendulum."
I highly recommend this book to fans of Japanese literature, those who like the "Kindaichi Case Files" (Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo) and fans of a good mystery.

11 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Weird Fiction that deserves recognition
By R. Benardes
First let me say that I picked this volume up with low expectations and now I must say that I'm deeply impressed.Here is a writer whose vision is entirely his own, his style succint and easy to understand.
Although frequently labelled as a mystery writer, Rampo`s short stories are best viewed as weird fiction with pulp mystery flavour.
All stories are worth reading but THE HUMAN CHAIR is an undisputed masterpiece and in my humble opinion one of the best weird short stories ever written
Edogawa Rampo is an original and deserves recognition and a larger audience.


The Human Chair ======================== *****
Psychological Test ===================== ***
The Caterpillar ======================== *****
The Cliff ============================== ****
The Hell Of Mirrors ==================== *****
The Twins ============================== ****
The Red Chamber ======================== ***1/2
The Two Cripple Man ==================== ***1/2
The Traveller with the Pasted... ======= ***1/2

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Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

[Q401.Ebook] Free PDF El Principito (The Little Prince), by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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El Principito (The Little Prince), by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

You will find delightful drawings inside this moving book

  • Sales Rank: #7070552 in Books
  • Published on: 2005-01
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 64 pages

A clasic of Children Literature: Beautiful, written with magnificent style. -- Círticas literarias Revista

A great man. A great writer. A great book..Lo mejos y mas bello para los niños -- Pedagogy Magazine

Aunque estè escrito en prosa, contiene la poesìa del alma de los niños -- Poesìa para Niños Crìtica

Colegas: Les recomendamos que sugieran a todos los padres que lean esta obra a sus nenes. -- La gaceta del Maestro Gaceta

En ningún otro libro para niños reúnen LA BELLEZA, EL TALENTO, LA POSEÍA Y LA FILOSOFÍA -- Letras Revista

La obra màs resplandeciente, sencilla, filosòfica y bondadosa para los niños -- Literatura Infantil Gaceta

La obra más hermosa de "filosofía humana " encarnada por un niño -- El Colegio Literario Revista

Lo mmás tierno y hermoso para tu nene... desde los dos hasta los 16 años! Y hasta más ! -- Regalos para el alma infantil Revista

This is and will be one of the most poetic clasics for children..and also for grownups -- Literature Magazine

Una ediciòn bella, cuidada... como lo merece su extraordinario autor. ¡Bravo ! -- El Dìa Periòdico

Language Notes
Text: Spanish, French (translation)

From the Publisher
Esta es la obra màs encantadora que pueden leer nuestros niños... y recordarla siempre.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
LOVE the little prince but this edition is horrible!
By Kate Breuer
I purchased this to practice my Spanish but if the Spanish is anywhere as full of mistakes as the English part of the book, it is no use for studying. The drawings are horrible. Yes, they are cute, but they don't get the story across.

For example: The narrator saw a documentary as a child and then drew a picture of an elephant inside a boa. Grownups he shows it to ask him why he drew a tophat. In the original version of the book (I have the original version) this image actually looks both like a snake bulged up from eating the elephant and a top hat. In this version, the snake has a cute comic face, stripes and all that and looks nothing like a top hat. So if you look at the photos, you don't understand the story. Sad to see this wonderful story destroyed like this...

I attached two photos. One where you can see the original drawing next to the one of the book and one of the whole page in the book, so you see what it's actually about ;)

15 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Si trae las ilustraciones
By jose e.
Acabo de recibir este libro y es mentira que no trae las ilustraciones, las trae todas

124 of 129 people found the following review helpful.
No drawings. Sin dibujos.
By Enrique
This edition of The Little Prince in Spanish has no the drawings that are essential to understand and enjoy the text. It needs a warning alerting to possible buyers about that.

Esta edición de El Principito en español carece de los dibujos que son esenciales para comprender y disfrutar la obra. Debería advertirse a los posibles compradores acerca de tan importante omisión.

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Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

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The Age of Migration, by Stephen Castles, Mark J. Miller

International migration is an ever-more central aspect of globalization in the contemporary world. This 4th edition of the leading text in the field has been completely recast and updated to provide a comprehensive assessment of the nature, extent and dimensions of international population movements and of their consequences.

  • Sales Rank: #3288188 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-01-06
  • Released on: 2009-01-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.75" h x 5.00" w x 1.25" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 368 pages

Reviews of the Fourth Edition: " [A]n impressive achievement. The empirical detail is striking, the historical overview comprehensive and the theoretical overview clear and easy to follow even without prior sophisticated knowledge of the theories covered. As an overview to the field of migration studies, this well-written [excellent fourth edition] more than serves its purpose..." - Helena Ekelund, Journal of Contemporary European Research "Castles and Miller's well-known text... just gets bigger and better... The fourth edition reinforces the strengths... noted by reviewers and readers over the last decade and a half: a text which is authoritative yet eminently readable; a wide span of case studies from the main theatres of immigration around the world; an appropriate sense of history; useful maps (much improved over previous editions); instructive tables and textboxes... a lack of jargon and... key concepts carefully explained... Suitable for lay readers and especially valuable for undergraduates... its wide range and authoritative voice make it equally useful as a primer for graduate students and ready reference for academics and migration experts." - Russell King, Ethnic and Racial Studies Reviews of previous editions: 'Widely and deservedly praised as a major achievement... Castles and Miller have their own distinctive model of the migratory process but manage at the same time to cover almost every major theme of current migration studies.' - Rainer Baubock, Ethnic and Racial Studies 'An historical account of the major migratory trends before the second world war, supplemented by up-to-date, comprehensive analysis of 'new migrations'. The outstanding strength of this volume is that its critique of causal explanations of migration is married to an exploration of the impact of immigration on 'host' societies.' - Susan Carruthers, Times Higher Education Supplement

About the Author
STEPHEN CASTLES is Professor of Migration and Refugee Studies, and Director of the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.

MARK J. MILLER is Emma Smith Morris Professor of Political Science and International Relations, University of Delaware, USA.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Voden Konj
The book arrived in time, even a couple of days before the deadline which was stated upon purchase, and was in excellent shape, just as it was stated in the advertisement.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great Service
By pancho
Best service i could hope for - all was as advertized and more & great follow up from the seller about action taken...highly recommend

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

[B207.Ebook] Ebook Download The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known TalesFrom Book-of-the-Month Club

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The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known TalesFrom Book-of-the-Month Club

  • Sales Rank: #5911107 in Books
  • Published on: 1996
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 338 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

30 of 31 people found the following review helpful.
Solid Abridgment, Suitable for Children
By Ana Mardoll
The Arabian Nights / 978-1593082819

I'm a bit of an "Thousand Nights" enthusiast -- I enjoy the stories immensely and I have four separate translations in my personal library. Several friends have asked me to discuss the differences between the editions, so I thought I'd present a four-way comparison and then talk about which version is best for which audience.

For the purposes of the four-way comparison, I will draw text from the opening tale of the two kingly brothers in order to highlight how each popular version handles "adult" content and racial content.

-- The Tale of King Shahryar and of his Brother, King Shahzaman --
Now there were in the King's palace certain windows that looked on to the garden, and, as King Shahzaman leaned there and looked out, the door of the palace opened and twenty women slaves with twenty men slaves came from it; and the wife of the King, his brother, was among them and walked there in all her bright beauty. When they came to the pool of a fountain they all undressed and mingled one with another. Suddenly, on the King's wife crying: 'O Masud! Ya Masud!', a gigantic negro ran towards her, embraced her, and, turning her upon her back, enjoyed her. At this signal, all the other men slaves did the same with the women and they continued thus a long while, not ceasing their kisses and embraces and goings in and the like until the approach of dawn.
-- Madrus & Mathers edition

-- The Tale of King Shahriar and of his Brother, King Shahzenan --
One day, Shahriar had started on a great hunting match, about two days' journey from his capital; but Shahzenan, pleading ill health, was left behind. He shut himself up in his apartment, and sat down at a window that looked into the garden. Suddenly a secret gate of the palace opened, and there came out of it twenty women, in the midst of whom walked the Sultaness. The persons who accompanied the Sultaness threw off their veils and long robes, and Shahzenan was greatly surprised when he saw that ten of them were black slaves, each of whom chose a female companion. The Sultaness clapped her hands, and called: "Masoud, Masoud!" and immediately a black came running to her; and they all remained conversing familiarly together.
-- Muhsin al-Musawi edition

-- The Tale of King Schahriar and of his Brother, King Schahzeman --
Now the Sultan Schahriar had a wife whom he loved more than all the world, and his greatest happiness was to surround her with splendour, and to give her the finest dresses and the most beautiful jewels. It was therefore with the deepest shame and sorrow that he accidentally discovered, after several years, that she had deceived him completely, and her whole conduct turned out to have been so bad, that he felt himself obliged to carry out the law of the land, and order the grand-vizir to put her to death.
-- Lang edition

-- The Tale of King Shahryar and of his Brother, King Shah Zaman --
Thereupon Shah Zaman drew back from the window, but he kept the bevy in sight espying them from a place whence he could not be espied. They walked under the very lattice and advanced a little way into the garden till they came to a jetting fountain amiddlemost a great basin of water; then they stripped off their clothes and behold, ten of them were women, concubines of the King, and the other ten were white slaves. Then they all paired off, each with each: but the Queen, who was left alone, presently cried out in a loud voice, "Here to me, O my lord Saeed!" and then sprang with a drop leap from one of the trees a big slobbering blackamoor with rolling eyes which showed the whites, a truly hideous sight. He walked boldly up to her and threw his arms round her neck while she embraced him as warmly; then he bussed her and winding his legs round hers, as a button loop clasps a button, he threw her and enjoyed her.
-- Burton edition


For my money, the superior volume by far is the Madrus & Mathers edition. The editor and translator have deliberately worked the translation to be as readable to the English eye as possible, even making judicious choices about where to refrain from using diacritical points (single quote sound points, as in 'ain) in order to ease the reading experience. They've made a concerted effort to retain the adult content without being lewd, the racial content without descending into offensive caricature, the poetic content without overwhelming the reader, and the entire content without condensing the text and losing material. The Madrus & Mathers editions comprise four giant volumes, but the casual enthusiast will be more than satisfied with just volume one, and with over 600 pages of stories in the electronic edition, the reader will have plenty of reading material available.

For children, however, the superior volume is probably the Muhsin al-Musawi edition. This edition is condensed, but the editing was done with great care to maintain story structure and content. The adult content has been toned down considerably, the racial content has been handled tactfully, the extra songs and poems have been almost entirely removed, and there are interesting and attractive pictures in the electronic edition. My biggest complain here is that the adult content has been excised to a degree that almost brings unfortunate implications: when adultery is characterized as "conversing", the angry and jilted husband seems to be seriously over-reacting. Still, if you want a sanitized version of the tales, the al-Musawi edition is almost certainly the way to go.

I do not recommend the Lang edition. Lang's fairy tale collections, such as the color fairy tale books, are usually a delight, but his Arabian Nights edition is thin on content and heavily paraphrased. The stories are gutted to remove the adult content and shorten the tale length for children, but in many cases the changes are not carefully glossed over, and huge plot holes and unresolved threads are left dangling. I've never met a Lang reader who didn't ask me what was going on in one tale or other because the translation is so poorly rendered.

Neither do I recommend the Burton version. If anything, the Burton version has the exact opposite problems as the Lang version: Burton's edition lengthens the stories with extensively lewd descriptions and offensive racial imagery. The edition was also rendered in the 1800s, and the language within has not aged well -- there are all lot of "forsooth"s and "verily"s that bog down the reading. If you're interested in a historical analysis of how these tales have been rendered over the years, by all means become familiar with the Burton version, but if you're just looking for light bedtime reading, give the Burton edition a pass.

I hope that this comparison will be helpful. This particular listing here is for the al-Musawi edition which I recommend for children.

~ Ana Mardoll

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By W. Gulyas
An amazing version of the Arabian nights, with unforgettable images by Maxfield Parrish. Might be somewhat prejudiced by the fact my mother read to me from this version when I was 5, but the stories and images are perfect, and transporting to another world. Exquisite..

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By al-Halabi

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[L830.Ebook] Download The New Cosmos: Answering Astronomy's Big Questions, by David J. Eicher

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The New Cosmos: Answering Astronomy's Big Questions, by David J. Eicher

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The New Cosmos: Answering Astronomy's Big Questions, by David J. Eicher

Over the past decade, astronomers, planetary scientists, and cosmologists have answered - or are closing in on the answers to - some of the biggest questions about the universe. David J. Eicher presents a spectacular exploration of the cosmos that provides you with a balanced and precise view of the latest discoveries. Detailed and entertaining narratives on compelling topics such as how the Sun will die, the end of life on Earth, why Venus turned itself inside-out, the Big Bang Theory, the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, and the meaning of life in the universe are supported by numerous color illustrations including photos, maps and explanatory diagrams. In each chapter the author sets out the scientific history of a specific question or problem, before tracing the modern observations and evidence in order to solve it. Join David J. Eicher on this fascinating journey through the cosmos!

  • Sales Rank: #54040 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-30
  • Released on: 2015-12-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"David Eicher has more than three decades' experience of writing about astronomy for a general readership. His experience and enthusiasm shine through in this wide-ranging survey of current 'hot topics'."
Martin Rees, Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics, University of Cambridge

"The New Cosmos by David Eicher is a wonderful read! This wonderfully written, accessible, authoritative new book spans the breadth of major topics in early twenty-first-century astronomy, engaging the reader in every chapter. I haven't seen a better book surveying modern astronomy in a decade. I highly recommend this masterpiece as a gift to yourself or anyone interested in space and astronomy."
Alan Stern, Principal Investigator of the New Horizons mission, Southwest Research Institute

"If you are looking for a collection of newspaper headlines full of hype about this discovery or that, then The New Cosmos probably isn't for you. On the other hand, if those headlines whet your appetite for something more substantial, then pick up a copy and settle in for a fascinating and enlightening read. The New Cosmos is not simply a survey of astronomy and planetary science - it is more of a travelogue, starting with intriguing questions and then following where each story leads. And there throughout the journey is David J. Eicher's obvious passion and joy for the wonders of the heavens, and for the human quest to make those wonders known."
Jeff Hester, Professor Emeritus, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University

"In this book, Eicher synthesizes a wealth of relatively new information into an interesting, coherent, up-to-date overview of many of the most important and exciting areas of astronomy ... Immersing yourself in the chapters that follow will give you a new sense of wonder at the amazing universe that we inhabit, yet simultaneously awakening both your humility as a cosmic speck of dust and your awe at our present understanding of the cosmos."
Alex Filippenko, University of California, Berkeley, from the Foreword

"This is an exceptional book that places our life in a global perspective on the cosmic stage, both in space and in time. It leaves you wondering whether our civilization should reconsider its priorities if it wishes to be regarded as intelligent."
Abraham Loeb, Harvard University

"David Eicher provides a much-needed update to Carl Sagan's classic book Cosmos from thirty-five years ago, describing the most fascinating advances in astronomy and planetary science."
Alfred McEwen, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson

"The New Cosmos is an enjoyable stroll through our current knowledge of the objects in the cosmic zoo. As a planetary scientist, I welcome the opportunity to learn about fields distant from my own. I know that I can trust their treatment because my own field is expertly and concisely covered. Bravo!"
Paul D. Spudis, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston

"It can be easy to forget just how many different major astrophysical discoveries have taken place in recent years. Eicher takes the reader through a whirlwind tour of the most exciting highlights, from newly discovered planets in our own cosmic backyard, to the dark matter and dark energy that are ubiquitous throughout our universe. The New Cosmos covers all of the 'big questions' that are being nervously and excitedly debated in the hallways of astronomy and physics departments around the world."
Dan Hooper, Fermilab, Illinois

"If you want to know what happens when the Sun dies, or wish to understand such puzzles as the true nature of black holes and the long-term fate of the universe, then you should be reading this book. In clear and authoritative prose, David Eicher offers readers a wonderful set of answers to the most consequential questions in astronomy. It's an impressively comprehensive treatment of the biggest subject of all - the cosmos."
Seth Shostak, SETI Institute, California

About the Author
David J. Eicher is Editor-in-Chief of Astronomy magazine, and one of the most recognized astronomy enthusiasts in the world. He has spoken widely to amateur astronomy groups and written eight books on astronomy including Comets: Visitors from Deep Space and The Universe from your Backyard. He is president of the Astronomy Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors for Starmus Festival. An avid observer of astronomical objects for more than thirty-five years, he was honored by the International Astronomical Union with the naming of a minor planet, 3617 Eicher.

Most helpful customer reviews

15 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
This book will get you up to date in astronomy...
By Amazon Customer
I have been a subscriber to Astronomy Magazine and have a decent library of astronomy and physics books, so I am not without material to keep me busy. This work from Eicher is the latest, and best, addition to that library. The book is meant to be a survey of today's hottest and most media-driven topics in Astronomy and Cosmology, all wrapped up into one source. Its success comes not only from how thoroughly Eicher treats each subject, but how readable it is for the average person. Alex Fillipenko's introduction is a superb primer, and the rest is an entertaining orientation to the hot picks of today's research, the lives of stars, our Solar System (including poor Pluto), and on and on until you're caught up to the state of the science in 2015, and invited with open arms to keep moving forward with a solid knowledge of what we know now. In summary, consider this book a nice update to Carl Sagan's legendary "Cosmos" series, and a deeper dive into some of the topics DeGrasse Tyson addressed in his own series.

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Eicher's book will bring you up to date on astronomy and it will also get your imagination going.
By lyndonbrecht
This is an outstanding book, making some rather difficult concepts understandable, and bringing the reader up to date with advances in astronomy and related fields. The photos are good. The writing is clear and it is also clear that Eicher knows his subject and is enthusiastic about it, as you would expect from the editor of a well known astronomy magazine. That said, be aware that the science in this book is still somewhat difficult; it may be a bit of a slow read for some readers, but keep at it, you'll learn a great deal.

Some of the details in the book represent consensus astronomy, understandings shared by many or most astronomers, useful in the present state of knowledge but apt to change quickly with new data. We're in something of a golden age for astronomy and related sciences, despite budget limitations imposed on space agencies such as NASA. Among other things, consensus is that in a billion years the sun will be far larger and hotter and Earth's oceans will boil away, and dark energy is 68.3% of the mass/ energy of the universe. On average a 1-kn asteroid should hit the earth once every 700,000 years and a 140-meter asteroid should hit once every 20,000 years.

Readers interested in the moon will find Chapter 4 of interest. It discusses recent theories of moon formation, including the wonderfully named Great Impact Hypothesis. Chapter 5, "Where has all the water gone" discusses water on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system. It appears that Mars once had liquid water on the surface, and many large valleys suggest erosion by water. So where is it? Water is important because it is intimately tied to life, and also because humans venturing there would find water useful. Chapter 6, "Why did Venus turn inside out" may interest fewer readers, but it discusses the relative lack of impact craters and suggests volcanic activity has remade the surface. Chapter 7, "Is Pluto a planet?" looks at that topic, not that whether it is a "planet" is such a big deal, but it keeps surprising us--new moons discovered in 2010 and 2011. Then there's the Kuiper Belt, which has 1000 small icy bodies but may also have 100,000 objects with diameters of more than 100 km. There's a lot out there.

Chapter 8 looks at planets outside our solar system. The search for exoplanets is vigorous and currently a popular aspect of astronomy, Credible estimates suggest 40 billion planets orbiting within habitable zones of sun-like and red dwarf stars, in the Milky Way, and in the universe could be 100 billion times the 40 billion. That suggests that even if the possibility of life is remote, it probably does exist--that "habitable zone" proviso is the key. Chapter 9 is a little less exciting, on the Milky Way; we're apparently in a barred spiral and our sun orbits the galaxy center at 240 kilometers a second, taking 220 million years for the orbit. Chapter 10 looks at the eventual merger of the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy. Chapter 11 discusses the echo of the Big Bang. That one still stumps me, all the matter and all the energy in all the universe contained in a singularity presumably of infinite density and perhaps no larger than the period at then end of this sentence.

Chapter 12 looks at how big the universe is. Tens of billions of light years, but if the universe is infinite the number of light years should also be infinite, another aspect I can't quite wrap my head around--but this chapter helps a bit. There was nothing anywhere, everything nowhere and suddenly there was no more nothing and something became infinite--my phrasing, but again after digesting the chapter I have a little better sense of the possibilities. Chapter 13 examines dark matter. 4.9% of the material in the universe is "normal", that would be us humans and what we usually see as real; 26.8% dark matter and 63.8% dark energy--somehow I envision a vampire astronomer deep in the Carpathians chuckling over dark energy powering things.

The rest of the chapters consider dark energy, black holes, the fate of the universe, and the meaning of life. They sort of all blend in. The eventual fate is an infinite darkness devoid of light save for red dwarf stars, like some foggy stage set for a movie set in dark hours of Victorian London. Eicher's book will get your imagination going.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
A Layman's Tour of Earth, the Solar System, Galaxy, and Greater Cosmos
By Tom P
This is an easy read of the current state of astronomy and astronomical observation with lighter touches on cosmology. It contains nice color images and illustrations that ground many of the topics visually and bring them to life. It is an easy read in the sense that it is not mathematical and provides generally interesting discussion of what current observations and understanding imply to the broader topics and questions of time, distance, whether life exists elsewhere, origins and trajectory of the universe, etc. I stumbled on a few typos and convoluted word structure that were surprising given the author's background as Astronomy editor, and also found some chapters to drag a little with longish compilations of observational information. Nonetheless it is a nicely conceived, thoughtful, and in places insightful work that summarizes the findings of the thousands of bright and diligent people - recent and over the centuries- that have brought our knowledge to its current state.

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The New Cosmos: Answering Astronomy's Big Questions, by David J. Eicher PDF

The New Cosmos: Answering Astronomy's Big Questions, by David J. Eicher PDF
The New Cosmos: Answering Astronomy's Big Questions, by David J. Eicher PDF

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

[S505.Ebook] Fee Download To The Other Side (Terra Series Book 1), by S.J. Frost

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To The Other Side (Terra Series Book 1), by S.J. Frost

To The Other Side (Terra Series Book 1), by S.J. Frost

To The Other Side (Terra Series Book 1), by S.J. Frost

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To The Other Side (Terra Series Book 1), by S.J. Frost

When Garrett Evergard is rescued by the witch, Bryson Summers, he discovers an alternate world unlike anything he's ever imagined, and when that world is threatened, he'll do anything to save it and the man he's grown to love.

Garrett Evergard is a finder of secrets. As a biologist and environmentalist, it's his job to go into wild lands and uncover their mysteries in order to save them. In the Pacific Northwest, he races against logging lobbyists to save a section of temperate rainforest, but the forest seems reluctant to give up her secrets. Until a fateful meeting with a rare spirit bear opens the door to wonders beyond anything he's ever imagine, the greatest of those being the beautiful man who comes to his rescue. As a witch and Gatekeeper, Bryson Summers is used to living a solitary life. He lives between two worlds, Earth and Terra, feeling not fully part of either, and dreams of meeting someone who understands him. From the moment he sees Garrett, he believes -- and hopes -- he's looking upon a twin soul. Dragons, unicorns, and a witch with enchanting brown eyes, Garrett tries to make sense of a world so different from anything he's ever known. But his mind and heart are open, and he finds himself drawn more to Bryson with each day they spend together. When Bryson and the gate that links the two worlds fall under threat, Garrett is willing to do all he can to protect them, even if it means facing down dark magic.

  • Sales Rank: #583173 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-06-01
  • Released on: 2013-06-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful start to a new series!
By Chris
5 of 5 Stars

Our story starts out with Garrett exploring a non-protected area of the National Forest in the Pacific Northwest. He's trying to save the area from being clear-cut and is on the search for proof that some flora or fauna is native to that area and depends on that forest for survival. Well he gets a little more then he wishes for when he thinks he's found a new type of hummingbird and then stumbles over a Kermode or Spirit Bear. He's so focused on the two discoveries that as he's filming, he gets a little too close to the edge of the ravine and takes a serious tumble knocking himself unconscious.

Along comes Bryson, who rescues Garrett and, even though he shouldn't, takes him home to help him heal. Bryson is a hereditary Gatekeeper who watches over a door guarding the path between Earth and Terra. Taking Garrett home could mean he'll allow someone else to know the way into the other world. Once Garrett wakes up, Bryson realizes it's not the door to Terra he has to watch over, it's a sexy explorer who might steal his heart.

This book combined all the very best elements in storytelling, at least for this reviewer/reader. It had captivating characters, an engaging and very readable storyline, and descriptive world building. I've been a fan of S.J. Frost's with the Conquest series, but this book reminds me of so many of the fantasy books I read when I was younger. Well, except for the oh, so sexy relationship between our two main characters.

I totally fell in love with the two main characters. Bryson, the courageous and giving white witch, and Garrett, the explorer who is able to be completely enthralled by the world around him. Ms. Frost also introduces us to a fantastic cast of secondary characters including one romance reading dragon, a sarcastic Brownie, an assassin who's head over feet entranced by a Lark, Torran who's tongue-tied by the book's end, and a dangerous, mysterious Elf.

I anxiously await the next book in this series, and all the ones that I know will follow! ~ Reviewed by Chris

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
{M/M} Fantasy Series
By Ro
To the Other Side
Time is running out for biologist and environmentalist Garrett Evergard; he must find a compelling reason to preserve the unspoiled Pacific Northwest rainforest from destruction. Fortunately, Garrett's encounter with a spirit bear, as well as the witch Bryson Summers, leads to the salvation of both the rainforest and Garrett.

To The Other Side is the first book in the Terra Book series. The plot is a heartwarming romance. The setting is beautifully detailed. Centuries ago, the discrimination against anyone different from society's majority so prevalent on the Earth side caused a mass influx into non-prejudice Terra. However, the European social composition of the aristocratic and poor, along with power-hungry villains, still subsists in Terra. Terra is also inhibited by all manner of rare creatures with distinct personalities. The fascinating characters are persuasive.

Bryson is the designated gatekeeper; his job is to maintain balance between Earth and the dimensional Terra. This is a key position because the destruction of one side of the planet could also destroy the other side. Bryson is an enormously compassionate witch who uses his magic to heal people, especially the poor. Bryson lives inside a tree that borders an enchanted valley where sacred animals are protected from those who seek to kill them. Garrett has the same love of nature as Bryson which makes Garrett and Bryson the perfect soul mates.

S.J. Frost has created numerous intriguing components in this impressive saga that I found exceedingly enjoyable. The character descriptions, the amusing interaction between the characters, the strong bond of friendship, plus the good versus evil conflict are elements prominently illustrated in To The Other Side. Also, the book cover magnificently depicts the world of Terra.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Scrumptious Foundation Story for a New Series. Dragons, Knights, Witches and True Love!
By Melanie Marshall
Another ScatteredThoughtsandRogueWords.com review

Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5 (rounded up to 5)

Biologist and environmentalist Garrett Evergard is hiking through the woods in the Pacific Northwest trying the find the means to save the woods from being clear cut by a developer. All Garrett needs is to find one species of plant or animal rare enough that calls these woods on the edge of the Olympic National Forest home to get them designated as a protected habitat. Little did Garrett know that he was about to stumble into the most amazing find of his life. When Garrett spies a rare spirit or Kermode bear, a white colored black bear that resides only in a specific habitat. Focused only on the spirit bear, a missed step finds Garrett falling into the ravine, an accident that will forever change his life.

Bryson Summers is a Native American, one of a long line of witches and Gatekeepers. Bryson lives a life of two worlds, one on each side of a door in his cottage that straddles the border between them. One is Earth, and on the other side, a magical place called Terra. Here unicorns, dragons of all sizes, and magical beings like brownies and elves live with humans that live and work as they did long ago. The spirit bear calls to Bryson when Garrett falls. Garrett's injuries are severe and Bryson takes him home to heal and recover.

As Garrett recuperates, the men find their mutual attraction deepens until Bryson finds himself dreading Garrett's departure, something that Garrett is also not looking forward to. But the forest and his job awaits. And Bryson's attention is needed to a growing danger from a power mad duke capable of great evil. When Bryson disappears, Garrett will do anything he can to save him but what can a mere human do against such great magic? Garrett is about to find out.

In this first novel in her new series Terra, S.J. Frost takes the idea of parallel worlds and makes it fresh with her own twists and ideas. From the moment we enter the story and watch Garrett confronted with two tiny dragons zipping from flower to flower in a manner akin to hummingbirds, the reader knows they are in for a delightful time in a realm that sparkles with the strangely beautiful and abounds with fantasy creatures we will never get enough of. The Floras or flower dragons are tiny jewels and just one of the many dragon species that spill over the pages and into our hearts. I say one of many because waiting for us inside Bryson's cabin is Wynn, a small sized white dragon with an affinity for bodice ripper romances and Oreo cookies. And more equally wondrous creations quickly follow on the heels of his appearance (although Wynnie is a heart grabber for sure). Bryson the Gatekeeper is able to talk to them all because of his deep connection to the Earth and all its animals, no matter what side they dwell on. Terra is constructed along the lines of Medieval times. It lacks any form of technology and its societal structure is along those of royalty/peasant/serf strata. In fact, all those elements and species Earth lacks can now be found on the other side. Magic, faeries, dragons, elves, brownies and more to come I expect as more stories unfold and the series expands our knowledge of Terra and its kingdoms.

In addition to the wonderful job S.J. Frost does in building her series universe, we are given an endearing and quixotical core group of characters to connect and empathize with. To The Other Side deals primarily with the meeting and romance of Garrett, the biologist and Bryson, the Gatekeeper but Frost also introduces a host of companions whose stories are sure to follow this one. There is Torren, a Dragon Speaker, who can talk to every type of dragons and mourns the fact that dragon slayers are allowed to prowl the kingdom killing dragons without cause or the slightest hesitation. Zain, the Black Fox, an assassin for hire and known thief. Zain has already found his love, Larkin, but there's a problem there and its a deep one. Larkin, a bard, is a small, beautiful man with a gift of conversing with the dead, a problem when the man you love is a stone cold killer. And theirs is not the only untenable or hopeless love that Frost reveals in this first story. Another that will appear is an elf Aleric, who sad past and quest is surely deserving of his own story and HEA. And Boggy the brownie who loves to clean and grump about them all. Land's End, Bryson's home, serves as their informal headquarters and way house when they are all in the area. Each character is beautifully defined, with the depth and breadth of personality needed to bring them to life and make us care for them all.

Frost has a flask full of complications for Garrett and Bryson to overcome in their own quest for love and a future. Bryson is tied down to his Gate and is long lived due to his connection to the Gate and Earth/Terra. He is also a powerful witch whose gifts are needed in the nearby villages. Garrett too has an important job to finish, that of saving the forest where the Gate is located. He needs to find a rare species to save those woods from a developer and in finding it, it may have found true love as well. There are magical hurdles to overcome as well as realistic mundane ones and watching these two men surmount each and every one is a true joy.

S,J. Frost tells her story with a well developed sense to humor to go along with the pathos. The pace is a little slow in the beginning as Frost is laying the foundation for the story and the series, but once in place the story takes flight. And we and the characters are in for a marvelous ride.

Next up is Torren's story and that of Sir Karrick Brenton a Knight of the Crown who enters into the story at the very end of To The Other Side. I can't wait. Already this series has grabbed my attention and my heart. I can't wait to see where the author takes us with this group of characters on their journeys to romance and true love.

Cover Art by Jared Rackler. A little dark but the outline of the unicorn behind that gorgeous cover model is perfect to set the tone and intrigue the reader.

Book Details:

ebook, 250 pages
Published May 31st 2013 by MLR Press (first published May 30th 2013)
ISBN 1608208680 (ISBN13: 9781608208685)
edition languageEnglish
Characters: Garrett Evergard, Bryson Summers

Books in the Terra series to date in the order they should be written and read:

To The Other Side (Terra #1)
Knight of Fire (Terra #2)

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To The Other Side (Terra Series Book 1), by S.J. Frost PDF

To The Other Side (Terra Series Book 1), by S.J. Frost PDF
To The Other Side (Terra Series Book 1), by S.J. Frost PDF

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

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Marxism and Class Theory: A Bourgeois Critique, by Frank Parkin

Marxism and class theory

  • Sales Rank: #2189924 in Books
  • Published on: 1983-11-17
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.99" h x .53" w x 5.00" l, .56 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 217 pages

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Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

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Play Jim Brickman's inspired piano solos exactly as they sound on his album. A dozen new solo piano pieces are at the heart of this Christmas collection, including the single, "Sending You a Little Christmas." This official album-matching sheet music folio will delight any pianist who is a fan of Jim Brickman's music. Titles: Angels We Have Heard on High * My Favorite Things * We Three Kings * Christmas Time Is Here / O Christmas Tree * Hark! The Herald Angels Sing * What Child Is This? * Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas * Here We Come A-Caroling * The Magic of Christmas * What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? * Silent Night * God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen * On a Winter's Night * Merry Christmas Darling * Sending You a Little Christmas.

  • Sales Rank: #431444 in Books
  • Model: 00-42301
  • Published on: 2013-10-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .23" h x 8.99" w x 11.90" l, .61 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 80 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A fuller approach to Christmas songs for the advance piano player.
By John Caleb
A more fuller approach to Christmas classics. However this is more for intermediate to advance players. A high degree of fluidity in piano playing is required for the notes to sound even remotely like proper Christmas songs. Chords for guitar is also provided which is an added bonus. Not all books have this. Won't give it a 5 star only because of its price. It's a bit on the high side.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I love this book
By Paige Miller
I love this book!! Definitely a perfect piano book for Christmas. My favorites to play are We Three Kings and Angels We Have Heard on High. I ordered his Disney book and I am so excited to play those.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Kim Peters
Can beat Brickman!!

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Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

[M565.Ebook] Download Ebook Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods (Texts in Applied Mathematics), by J.W. Thomas

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Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods (Texts in Applied Mathematics), by J.W. Thomas

Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods (Texts in Applied Mathematics), by J.W. Thomas

Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods (Texts in Applied Mathematics), by J.W. Thomas

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Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods (Texts in Applied Mathematics), by J.W. Thomas

What makes this book stand out from the competition is that it is more computational. Once done with both volumes, readers will have the tools to attack a wider variety of problems than those worked out in the competitors' books. The author stresses the use of technology throughout the text, allowing students to utilize it as much as possible.

  • Sales Rank: #604622 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-01-12
  • Released on: 2010-01-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.04" w x 6.10" l, 1.41 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 437 pages

"This important volume is the first part of a two-part textbook (the second part is entitled Conservation laws and elliptic equations). The text includes interesting homework problems that implement different aspects of most of the schemes discussed. The implementation aspect of this text includes a large amount of computing. Other useful aspects of computing included in this volume are symbolic computing and the use of graphics for analysis. Prerequisites suggested for using this book might include one semester of partial differential equations and some programming capability. This book will be a good reference text for students." -- MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS

Most helpful customer reviews

19 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Good, practical book for FDM applied to PDE
By Daniel Duffy
This is a book that approximates the solution of parabolic, first order hyperbolic and systems of partial differential equations using standard finite difference schemes (FDM). The theory and practice of FDM is discussed in detail and numerous practical examples (heat equation, convection-diffusion) in one and two space variables are given. In particular, Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) methods are the standard means of solving PDE in 2 and 3 dimensions.
In almost all cases model problems are taken in order to show how the schemes work for initial value problems, initial boundary value problem with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions.
This book is a *must* for those in science, engineering and quantitative financial analysis. It digs into the nitty-gritty of mapping a PDE to a FDM scheme while taking nasty boundary conditions into consideration. The resulting algorithms are documented are are easily programmed in C++ or other language.
The book does not cover topics that are also important: operator splitting (Marchuk/Janenko), non-constant coefficient PDEs, nonlinearities. Finally, the book uses von Neumann analysis as a means of proving stability (getting a bit long in the tooth). There are more robust methods that use monotone schemes, M-matrices and the maximum principle. You should consult other specialised references.
This is Volume I of a two-volume set (Volume II deals with Conversation Laws and first-order hyperbolic as well as Elliptic problems.

18 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Numerical Partial Differential Equations
By Alex Levin
Thomas wrote a good book on a quite specialized subject. Although finite difference schemes have been traditionally viewed as a game field for physicists, they are given today much more commercial attention as financial option market evolves. Those who seek standard numerical recipes are advised to read this book. You will enjoy it (easy reading) and learn. But the book may not satisfy quests of a more rigorous readership. It abuses the Fourier method in stability analysis while considering only PDEs with constant coefficients. The bibliographical work has not been done at all. In addition, the cover does not state that this is the first book of two. I'd also advise to read G.Marchuk "Methods of Numerical Mathematics" (Springer, 1982) where a more general approach for stability of numerical schemes is developed.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good but has errors
By Officer_007
I had to read chapter 5 of this book for part of the comprehensive examination towards my PhD program. It is pretty easy to follow, except most of the steps in deriving equations are skipped. At times, this may be confusing for the reader. I went through the steps on my own to make sure I understood how one equation led to the other. For the most part, if one knows the fundamentals of numerical methods, it's just writing down the steps to come to the same conclusion.

What bothered me most was HW.5.6.8 (and 5.6.9). Basically, the problem is wrong. Such boundary conditions and initial conditions for the PDE given in the problem is not possible. I thought I was doing things wrong, so I took the problem to couple professors and other students and the conclusion was that the boundary condition that is given for that problem and the one after it can not be satisfied. Also, the given initial condition can only be thought of in imagination and not through analytical solution to the actual PDE. My three different numerical solutions match perfectly, but not the assumed anaylical solution f(x-at). So, I took one star off - also for a typo/mistake I found when stability of explicit FTCS method was discussed.

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