Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

[H931.Ebook] Download PDF My Year of Meats, by Ruth L. Ozeki

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My Year of Meats, by Ruth L. Ozeki

My Year of Meats, by Ruth L. Ozeki

My Year of Meats, by Ruth L. Ozeki

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My Year of Meats, by Ruth L. Ozeki

A cross-cultural tale of two women brought together by the intersections of television and industrial agriculture, fertility and motherhood, life and love—the breakout hit by the celebrated author of A Tale for the Time Being

Ruth Ozeki’s mesmerizing debut novel has captivated readers and reviewers worldwide. When documentarian Jane Takagi-Little finally lands a job producing a Japanese television show that just happens to be sponsored by an American meat-exporting business, she uncovers some unsavory truths about love, fertility, and a dangerous hormone called DES. Soon she will also cross paths with Akiko Ueno, a beleaguered Japanese housewife struggling to escape her overbearing husband. Hailed by USA Today as “rare and provocative” and awarded the Kirayama Prize for Literature of the Pacific Rim, My Year of Meats is a modern-day take on Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle for fans of Michael Pollan, Margaret Atwood, and Barbara Kingsolver.

  • Sales Rank: #29349 in Books
  • Color: White
  • Brand: Penguin Books
  • Published on: 1999-03-01
  • Released on: 1999-03-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .60" w x 5.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 400 pages
  • Great product!

Amazon.com Review
At first glance, a novel that promises to expose the unethical practices of the American meat industry may not be at the top of your reading list, but Ruth Ozeki's debut, My Year of Meats is well worth a second look. Like the author, the novel's protagonist, Jane Takagi-Little, is a Japanese-American documentary filmmaker; like Ozeki, who was once commissioned by a beef lobbying group to make television shows for the Japanese market, Jane is invited to work on a Japanese television show meant to encourage beef consumption via the not-so-subliminal suggestion that prime rib equals a perfect family: TO: AMERICAN RESEARCH STAFF
FROM: Tokyo Office
DATE: January 5, 1991
RE: My American Wife!...

Here is list of IMPORTANT THINGS for My American Wife!

1. Attractiveness, wholesomeness, warm personality
2. Delicious meat recipe (NOTE: Pork and other meats is second class meats, so please remember this easy motto: "Pork is Possible, but Beef is Best!")
3. Attractive, docile husband
4. Attractive, obedient children
5. Attractive, wholesome lifestyle
6. Attractive, clean house...

1. Physical imperfections
2. Obesity
3. Squalor
4. Second class peoples

The series, My American Wife!, initally seems like a dream come true for Jane as she criss-crosses the United States filming a different American family each week for her Japanese audience. Naturally, the emphasis is on meat, and Ozeki has fun with out-there recipes such as rump roast in coke and beef fudge; but as Jane becomes more familiar with her subject, she becomes increasingly aware of the beef industry's widespread practice of using synthetic estrogens on their cattle and determines to sabotage the program.

Cut to Tokyo where Akiko Ueno struggles through the dull misery of life with her brutish husband, who happens to be in charge of the show's advertising. After seeing one of Jane's subversive episodes about a vegetarian lesbian couple, Akiko gets in touch and the two women plot to expose the meat industry's hazardous practices. Romance, humor, intrigue, and even a message--My Year of Meats has it all. This is a book that even a vegetarian would love.

From Library Journal
As a writer, Ozeki draws upon her knowledge in documentary filmmaking cleverly to bring the worlds of two women together by utilizing the U.S. meat industry as a central link. Alternating between the voices of Jane (in the United States) and Akiko Ueno, the wife of Jane's boss (in Japan), Ozeki draws parallels in the lives of these two women through beef, love, television, and their desire to have children. Ozeki skillfully tackles hard-pressing issues such as the use and effects of hormones in the beef industry and topics such as cultural differences, gender roles, and sexual exploitation. Her work is unique in presentation yet moving and entertaining. Highly recommended for general fiction collections. [BOMC alternate selection.]?Shirley N. Quan, Orange Cty. P.L., Stanton, C.
-?Shirley N. Quan, Orange Cty. P.L., Stanton, CA
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Jane Tagaki-Little is a struggling documentary filmmaker who is overjoyed to get a steady gig producing a Japanese television show, My American Wife, sponsored by BEEF-EX, a lobby group for the meat industry. As she travels through the Midwest looking for guest hosts for the show--" wholesome" housewives who embody American values and make mouthwatering recipes (e.g., beef fudge!)--she gets an eye-opening look at the meat industry and their unwholesome practices. Using the TV show to launch a subversive attack, Jane's next and most popular segment features vegetarian lesbians. Meanwhile, the wife of the Japanese rep for the show dutifully watches the program, but what she learns from the American families presented is that she does not have to settle for a brutal, loveless marriage. Ozeki's first novel has some fine touches, including a pleasing prose style, the feisty, independent protagonist, and her modern relationship with her attractive musician boyfriend. However, in striving for complexity, Ozeki overloads her narrative with too many issues (e.g., fertility, wife battering), and her intermittent diatribes on cattle ranching bring her story to a screeching halt. Ozeki is no Upton Sinclair, but since our new national pastime appears to be bashing the meat industry (move over, Oprah), this quirky novel will no doubt find an audience. A major publicity campaign will help: the book is a BOMC alternate selection, and Ozeki, herself a documentary filmmaker, will be doing a 10-city reading tour. Joanne Wilkinson

Most helpful customer reviews

55 of 60 people found the following review helpful.
such a great beginning, only to deteriorate into ground beef
By A Customer
It is quite rare for me to be so completely enthralled and delighted by the 17th page of a book, and one from a debut novelist to boot. Which is why my disappointment at the appallingly bad last half of the book is so acute.
First, if I had to rate the first half on creativity, humor, style, etc. I would surely give this book FIVE stars. Ozeki is a beautiful writer, the phrases and descriptions are exquisite and delightful.The humor sharp, acerbic. In particular, the depiction of cultural clashes between the Japanese crew in America was extremely funny and well-done. Much insight, real honesty and real verisimilitude. And the segments on American families--beautiful, glorious, heartwarming.
But what happened?! As I moved toward the end, my grief was palpable: I cringed. I wailed. I wanted desparately to go back to the beginning. For me, everything went downhill after the silly relationship with Sloane. The main character Jane, who WAS so brash, funny and aggressive, starts to become wimpy, wishy-washy and clueless in the arms of Sloane. Should she have the baby or not? Should she commit to this guy or not? It became a case study of post-feminist angst and it tired pretty quickly.
Secondly, what happened to all those three-dimensional characters? While I agree with the author's views on the beef industry, the characters came off as fake, superficial and cliche. Evil cattle rancher. Busty, young stripper-wife of cattle rancher. Evil wife-beating Japanese man. Timid Japanese housewife. She pits heroic, "good" stock characters against the "bad" cardboard villains of the beef industry. For e.g., the quiet. principled truck driver Dave who points out all the evils of the slaughterhouse seemed less like a solid character and more like a convenient plot device to get the anti-beef lecturing across. Akiko and John start off as delightful characters who also disintegrate into a syrupy soap opera cliche. Ultimately, Ozeki insults our intelligence by not letting us make our own decisions and does an injustice to the characters she originally created; the effect is as jarring and disturbing as a cattle prod.
That was the main problem of this novel. It started off as cynical and witty, but couldn't escape from sentimentality and a need for self-righteous closure. Bunny, Rose, the lesbian couple, etc. all cram themselves in to fit into a plotline that is more ideological rant than art. Ozeki backs off from her challenging narrative to give us a nice, fake bow at the end--somuch like TV! Despite the "hard-hitting documentary" style she professes, Jane (and Ozeki) are really just ... for the "happy ending." That means constructing a villain (the beef industry) at the expense of a good story. Even the graphic violence and bloodiness of the beef industry she tried to gruesomely convey, is all just conveniently part of a sugary-syrupy plot in the end. After Jane loses her baby, reunites with her lover, comesto terms with her Japanese mother, I felt like throwing this book into the offal and refuse of the cows she was describing--BUT not because it was bad! In fact, the first half could be described as 'brilliant'. But because this book let me down so much. That is an even bigger betrayal to me than to have written a bad book from the start. What could have been a promising debut has deteriorated into the plot of a soap opera with an ultimately dissatisfying ending.

17 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Much more than just meat
By karolinatx
I, too, greatly enjoyed My Year of Meats. Though the "meat" side of the novel was impossible to miss -- it is, obviously, crucial to the plot -- I found that it had very little to do with what made the book so enjoyable. I'd seen the book around in bookstores for years, but never bought it because I thought that I had the meat industry covered, having read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Don't make the same mistake I made! My Year of Meats is SO much more. Jane Takagi-Little is a documentarian who accepts an offer to make a series of half-hour shows for Japanese television entitled "My American Wife!" and sponsored by the American beef industry. She takes the opportunity to do more than simply showcase beef, repeatedly breaking orders from Japan and filming the most unusual and intriguing "American Wives" she can find -- a couple in Louisiana who have adopted Asian children, and even vegeterian lesbians! In the process, Jane learns a lot about the beef industry, and begins to plan to subversively expose the shocking details meat-eaters would rather not know. Unlike some other reviewers, I didn't find this part of the novel to be excessively preachy; it fit in with the plot nicely. Along the way, the reader also learns about Jane's private life and what makes her tick, fleshing out her character nicely.
On the other side of the globe we have Akiko Ueno, the wife of one of Jane's bosses. Through her eyes the reader is able to learn much about the Japanese culture. Akiko is abused by her husband, who she was set up with by her boss and married out of obedience. Eventually the lives of Jane and Akiko intertwine with fascinating end to the novel. Set to exquisite sections of The Pillow Book, My Year of Meats is a captivating read.

15 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Funny! But ultimately too self-indulgent.
By Jonker
I stayed up late to finish this book, and have heartily recommended it to friends. But I do have to give a mixed review.
First and foremost, it was one of the funniest books I've read in a long time. At one point, I started laughing out loud (to my horror -- I was reading on the subway and no doubt looked like an idiot). I also thought the literary device of uniting the Japanese and U.S. portions of the story through those great faxed memos was clever. The whole thing just felt fresh and creative. Simply put, I really enjoyed reading this.
On the other hand, however, by the end of the book the development of the story and the characters had pretty much given way to heavy-handed moralizing about the meat industry, or at least the author's perception of the industry, which I suspect may be a bit exaggerated. Perhaps exaggeration is the primary flaw here. The characters were exaggerated to an extent that caused me to distrust the author and discount her perspective. And did we really have to be bludgeoned quite so hard with the Wal-Mart as Evil Empire theme? Finally, I thought that the way all the diverse characters and episodes tied together into a big happy ending was unduly contrived.
Despite these points, my final impression is that it was a gripping, worthwhile, and memorable read, and I will be watching for Ms. Ozeki's next book.

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My Year of Meats, by Ruth L. Ozeki PDF

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

[H104.Ebook] Ebook Outwitting Gravity, by Joan Van Poznak

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Outwitting Gravity, by Joan Van Poznak

OUWITTING GRAVITY is an irreverent insider's view of that inescapable human condition, Old Age... and other facts of life. Joan Van Poznak's incisively funny verse has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies including Faber and Faber's 'Book of Blue Verse', and Viking's ' Making Love to Marilyn', where she enjoys the distinction of rubbing pages with Sappho and Shakespeare.

  • Sales Rank: #3583115 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .39" w x 6.00" l, .52 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 172 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Wise and witty verse you'll return to again and again!
By Ms. V. Barker
Joan van Poznak writes with youthful vigor and mischievous wit about the perils and pitfalls of old age. She also looks back on her youth with a rueful eye. The best test of poetry is: do you repeatedly make your loved ones stop what they are doing to listen to you read a passage aloud? Why isn't this lady more famous? Reading between the lines of her delightful verse, I think it's because she was too busy living life to the full as a performer, then wife and mother, to publish or market her verse. Well, as she herself writes, 80 isn't too old to be discovered!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
These poems are a delight.
By Lynn R. Binstock
Always witty, often poignant, these poems are a tonic. The writer is brilliant with word-play: the poems are as much about the pleasures of language as the trials of ageing. Anyone who reads one will want to read all of these charming and heartfelt looks at life's journey.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A wonderful collection of outstanding poems and
By Chris
A wonderful collection of outstanding poems and, in some cases, short stories, all of which sustain the personal connection. Curated over so many years, I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next book!

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Senin, 22 Maret 2010

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Technique Orchestration Workbook, by Kent Kennan, Donald Grantham

  • Sales Rank: #1834922 in Books
  • Published on: 1996-11
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .29" h x 8.46" w x 10.96" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 80 pages

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Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

[M215.Ebook] Get Free Ebook The Hard Problem: A Play, by Tom Stoppard

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The Hard Problem: A Play, by Tom Stoppard

Above all don’t use the word good as though it meant something in evolutionary science.

The Hard Problem is a tour de force, exploring fundamental questions of how we experience the world, as well as telling the moving story of a young woman whose struggle for understanding her own life and the lives of others leads her to question the deeply held beliefs of those around her.

Hilary, a young psychology researcher at the Krohl Institute for Brain Science, is nursing a private sorrow and a troubling question. She and other researchers at the institute are grappling with what science calls the “hard problem”—if there is nothing but matter, what is consciousness? What Hilary discovers puts her fundamentally at odds with her colleagues, who include her first mentor and one-time lover, Spike; her boss, Leo; and the billionaire founder of the institute, Jerry. Hilary needs a miracle, and she is prepared to pray for one.

  • Sales Rank: #206347 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-22
  • Released on: 2015-09-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Praise for The Hard Problem:

“Tom Stoppard’s first play for nine years is typically witty—an intellectually charged piece that delights in the slippery nature of language and pulses with interesting ideas.”—London Evening Standard

“Mr. Stoppard is, as always, an adept craftsman. . . . [He] has provided food for thought, and not just a tasting menu but a full, footnoted banquet.”—Ben Brantley, New York Times

“Oozes learning. . . . [Stoppard] proves that it is possible to construct a tight 100 minutes of drama around neuroscientific conceits. . . . He has succeeded . . . this is a play to admire.”—Economist

“[The Hard Problem] displays intact the dramatist’s remarkable ability to synthesize complex knowledge into wittily metaphorical dialogue. . . . Demand for this brainy, funny, and touching play will long outstrip supply.”—New Statesman

“100 minutes of condensed brain-ache, marbled by wit and some camisoled sexiness. . . . Admirably high-minded . . . It succeeds, in my view triumphantly.”—Daily Mail

“Stimulating . . . absorbing . . . A rich, ideas-packed work that . . . offers endless stimulation and represents, like so much of [Stoppard’s] work, a search for absolute values and a belief in the possibility of selfless virtue.”—Guardian

“The dialogue is flashily impressive . . . it leaves one panting with admiration.”—Spectator (UK)

About the Author
Tom Stoppard's work includes Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, The Real Inspector Hound, Jumpers, Travesties, Night and Day, Every Good Boy Deserves Favour, After Magritte, Dirty Linen, The Real Thing, Hapgood, Arcadia, Indian Ink, The Invention of Love, the trilogy The Coast of Utopia and Rock 'n' Roll. His radio plays include If You're Glad I'll Be Frank, Albert's Bridge, Where Are They Now?, Artist Descending a Staircase, The Dog It Was That Died, In the Native State and Darkside (incorporating Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon). Television work includes Professional Foul, Squaring the Circle and Parade's End. His film credits include Empire of the Sun, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, which he also directed, Shakespeare in Love, Enigma and Anna Karenina.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Stoppard Studies Consciousness
By Richard B. Schwartz
A new play by Tom Stoppard is always an event of some significance, particularly since he has not produced a play in nine years. The hard problem of the play’s title is consciousness. The process is so unique and so vastly complex as to be presently inexplicable (though some have made attempts to do so). In terms of Stoppard’s play, the question of consciousness leads the protagonist (a young woman named Hilary) to approach a host of other, often related issues: sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, egoism/altruism, nature/nurture and, in particular, the viability of materialist views of both cognition and all things in general.

Hilary is also a person of faith. She prays to God, asking for help in protecting and nurturing a daughter that she gave up for adoption when Hilary was 15. As fortune would have it, her employer adopted a daughter at the time when Hilary gave her’s up for adoption; they share the same name.

Hilary works for a well-funded psychological research institution funded by a mega-wealthy financial manager (the adoptive parent), played in the first London stage version by Anthony Calf (for American audiences—the actor who played Colonel Fitzwilliam in the BBC Pride and Prejudice).

Hilary discusses her issues with a sometime lover who is a practicing skeptic, an Indian financial manager and other workmates and friends, one of whom she takes the fall for when the friend manipulates research results (thus exemplifying the terms of the egoism/altruism issue). This all takes place in a single act with ten scenes, approximately ninety minutes in length.

London theatre critics have said that several of the characters remain two-dimensional, functioning as exemplars for the positions that they take. This is fair criticism, I think. I believe that the play would have benefited from a two-act structure and, say, an additional thirty minutes of material. The subject(s) which it essays are very, very important and very, very complex. If I compare it with one of his masterpieces—Arcadia--I would say that The Hard Problem’s characters lack some of the humor and full humanity of that play’s characters and the dynamism of its action, scene changes, time differentials, and so on. Arcadia is a much richer play.

Nevertheless, The Hard Problem has wonderful moments and a fine central character. I have not yet been able to see it on stage. My initial impression is that this is a second-tier work by our greatest living dramatist, and, hence, one that requires our attention.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
One of Stoppard's Most Personal, and Most Meaningful Plays
By KR503
One of Stoppard's best and most approachable plays since "The Real Thing." The National Theatre production was brilliant, and the poetry of the language came soaring through what is a very intimate play about a very large subject. I love it when Stoppard, or any playwright, for that matter, successfully embeds large themes in the lives of ordinary people, and rarely is it as well-done as it is here. Reading the script again, after seeing the production, was very special. I could relive moments that I knew had been exquisite, and dwell over the lovely dialogue. As with any play, it's designed to be seen, and secondarily read as literature, but if you have a chance to read it and not see it, and you're interested in meaningful, contemporary theater, at least read it.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Why morality can endure over violence
By Lawrence E. George
I bought it because having seen it in London I had to read it, (which is really, seeing it twice) to understand it. And furthermore,
knowing that Stoppard is taking formal positions on moral philosophy through his characters, the reader needs to acquaint with with specific philosophical references. i didn't feel I understood the play having merely seeing. For me, it was a, challenging philosophical Hard Problem.
The difference for example, seeing American Buffalo and the Hard Problem is that Mamets play is understood in the emotional impact of
conflict onstage. Stoppard lingers on intellectually because the formal implications of philosophy make the characters opaque and dense, not emotionally available but full of contradiction and complexity. Mamet provides a violent answer, he is an American, whereas Stoppard raises questions that endear you to the characters moral quandary, and their lived experience which remains transparent individually and collectively
remains an argument without moral resolution. There is the difference. I prefer to re-interpret meaning rather than being given a pat answer.

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The Hard Problem: A Play, by Tom Stoppard PDF

The Hard Problem: A Play, by Tom Stoppard PDF
The Hard Problem: A Play, by Tom Stoppard PDF

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

[Z431.Ebook] Ebook Free Prador Moon. Neal Asher (Novel of the Polity), by Neal Asher

Ebook Free Prador Moon. Neal Asher (Novel of the Polity), by Neal Asher

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Prador Moon. Neal Asher (Novel of the Polity), by Neal Asher

Prador Moon. Neal Asher (Novel of the Polity), by Neal Asher

Prador Moon. Neal Asher (Novel of the Polity), by Neal Asher

Ebook Free Prador Moon. Neal Asher (Novel of the Polity), by Neal Asher

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Prador Moon. Neal Asher (Novel of the Polity), by Neal Asher

The Polity Collective is the pinnacle of space-faring civilization. Academic and insightful, its dominion stretches from Earth Central into the unfathomable reaches of the galactic void. But when the Polity finally encounters alien life in the form of massive, hostile, crab-like carnivores known as the Prador, there can be only one outcome — total warfare! Starships clash, planets fall, and space stations are overrun, but for Jebel Krong and Moria Salem, two unlikely heroes trapped at the center of the action, this war is far more than a mere clash of cultures, far more than technology versus brute force... this war is personal.

Skyhorse Publishing, under our Night Shade and Talos imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of titles for readers interested in science fiction (space opera, time travel, hard SF, alien invasion, near-future dystopia), fantasy (grimdark, sword and sorcery, contemporary urban fantasy, steampunk, alternative history), and horror (zombies, vampires, and the occult and supernatural), and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller, a national bestseller, or a Hugo or Nebula award-winner, we are committed to publishing quality books from a diverse group of authors.

  • Sales Rank: #11767640 in Books
  • Published on: 2008
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 7.01" h x .59" w x 4.37" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback

From Publishers Weekly
Asher's enjoyable if violent SF novel pits heavily augmented posthumans and the AIs who rule them, the Polity Collective, against the Prador, vicious, bug-eyed aliens out to conquer all human space. The Polity Collective, an eminently civilized society, despite a small separatist underground that resents the AI's benign rule, stands in contrast to the crablike Prador, who rule by brute force. Since the Prador have a technological advantage in space warfare, two human beings—the super-soldier Jebel Krong and Moria Salem, a technician with an illicit brain augmentation—must combine their talents to try to destroy the impregnable Prador warship threatening humanity. The Polity novels (Gridlink, etc.) lack the intellectual complexity of the best British space opera by such writers as Iain M. Banks, Ken MacLeod and Justina Robson, but if you don't mind the gross out (the Prador eat not only their young but also their human enemies), they're invariably a good read. (July)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Booklist
The Polity, a space-faring civilization ruled mostly by AIs because only they can cope with the math for the runcible operation enabling interstellar travel, has just made first contact. No one knew quite what to expect of the crablike Prador's visit to Avalon Station, though the massacre that ensued wasn't on anybody's list. Seems the bloodthirsty Prador are bent on taking over the Polity and its runcible technology, and the Polity powers that be must scrambled to get to have any chance of defeating them. Jebel Krong, a soldier on Avalon when the aliens arrived, and runcible tech Moria Salem, recently cerebrally augmented to handle the technology, are thrown together in a classic space-opera scenario in which two wild cards are the private surgeon who installed Moria's aug--a fugitive--and the aug itself, which is more than ordinary. The Prador invasion and Polity politics are revealed as horribly intertwined, but Moria and Jebel might end the war with a particularly bold plan. A fast and furious spectacle developed with gusto. Regina Schroeder
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

About the Author
Neal Asher is a science fiction writer whose work has been nominated for both the Philip K. Dick and the British Fantasy Society awards. He has published more than fifteen books, many set within his “Polity” universe, including Gridlinked, The Skinner, and Dark Intelligence. He divides his time between Essex and a home in Crete.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Currently the First in the Polity Universe Series
By illiandantic
Even though Neal Asher wrote "Prador Moon" (2006) after he'd written several other book in his "Polity Universe" series (started in 2001), it's currently the first novel in the overall series by internal chronological order. It, essentially, gives the story of first contact between the Polity and the Prador. It's a well-written, action-packed, science fiction book with an excellent universe and decent characterizations. My only real issue with it is that the point-of-view changes a lot. Instead of changing POV at chapter breaks, Asher does so repeatedly at section breaks within chapters. That leads to a bit of confusion if you miss the section break and gives the story a bit of a choppy feel. Also, be aware that even though this book has an emotionally satisfying ending, it doesn't tie everything up. It can't. There are another 13 books in the series that continue the Polity/Prador relationship. It's not a bad thing. It's just something to keep in mind.

I'm rating the book at a Very Good 4 stars out of 5.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Story!
By D. E. Ford
I'm a longtime fan of Ashers work and this book didn't disappoint. His Polity novels contain intricate, richly imagined world's with lots of intrigue, action, and suspense. This NOT pulp science fiction and well worth reading.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Greg Walker
Great book!!

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Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

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Marketing in the Moment: The Digital Marketing Guide to Generating More Sales and Reaching Your Customers First (2nd Edition), by Michael

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Marketing in the Moment: The Digital Marketing Guide to Generating More Sales and Reaching Your Customers First (2nd Edition), by Michael

Now fully updated, Marketing in the Moment, Second Edition is today's complete, practical, no-fluff desk reference to next generation social, mobile, and digital marketing.


Drawing on his extensive experience working with companies of all sizes, Michael Tasner helps you move beyond hype and high-level strategy to proven tactics and successful ground-level execution. Tasner assesses and distills each of today's most valuable options, helping you identify and leverage your own best opportunities.


Tasner reveals which new marketing technologies deliver the best results (and which hardly ever pay for themselves)... how to complete digital marketing projects faster and at lower cost... how to build realistic, focused action plans for the next three, six, and twelve months. This edition's coverage includes:

  • New ways to profit from emerging "Web 3.0" platforms and interaction methods
  • An all-new chapter on Pinterest, Instagram, and emotion-driven "picture marketing"
  • How to leverage high-value Google Hangouts video marketing
  • New SEO marketing tactics to supercharge your content marketing
  • Practical solutions for marketing on tablets and Android devices
  • The latest "laws" of mobile marketing
  • How to create mobile marketing apps fast
  • How to audit and optimize your current web/digital marketing programs
  • Cost-saving "open source" techniques that leverage others' hard work
  • And much more…

Thousands of entrepreneurs, business owners, technologists, executives, and marketing professionals have already benefited from the first edition of this book. Now, it's even more valuable. Whatever and wherever you sell, Marketing in the Moment, Second Edition will help you build leads, traffic, sales, market share - and profits!

  • Sales Rank: #1028996 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-01-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.30" h x 1.00" w x 5.80" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 240 pages

From the Back Cover


New techniques, tactics, platforms, trends, and opportunities
  • Boost leads, traffic, sales, and market share NOW
  • Step-by-step planning and execution help–now improved for faster results
  • All-new coverage of photo and video marketing with Pinterest, Instagram, and Google Hangouts
  • Discover exactly how to profit from web, mobile, and social media marketing today–and where to stop wasting your money! Top digital marketing consultant Michael Tasner answers crucial digital marketing questions you didn’t know to ask, and helps you build focused action plans that deliver results faster than ever.


    You’ll find cost-effective new ways to profit from Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter…simplify and automate everything from social media posts to CRM and analytics…get great results on a tiny budget.


    Whether you’re an entrepreneur, executive, marketer, or technical professional, you’ll find step-by-step techniques that work…tactics proven the hard way, in the trenches…ideas you can really use–right now!


    Now extensively updated, Marketing in the Moment , Second Edition is your complete, 100% practical desk reference for high-impact social, mobile, and digital marketing.


    Drawing on immense experience working with companies of all sizes and types, Michael Tasner helps you focus on the right tasks and investments–and execute quickly and profitably. He compares today’s most valuable platforms, offering specific, up-to-date advice for Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and much more.


    You’ll learn new ways to leverage emotion-driven “picture marketing” with Pinterest and Instagram… use immediate, intimate Google Hangouts to build relationships and close sales…market profitably on Android and Apple tablets and smartphones…measure what you’re doing, so you stop wasting money on marketing that doesn’t work.


    Whatever you sell, this up-to-the-moment book will help you build leads, traffic, sales, market share–and profits!


    All you need to take action–and do it now


    How you can outcompete local and online competitors with far bigger budgets


    Easy cloud tools for everything from relationship building to performance measurement


    Build authentic relationships, engage customers–and guide them to buy 


    Know when to start with MMS, extreme personalization, retargeting, and more 

    About the Author

    Michael Tasner has been called by many as one of the top marketing experts in the world. He built a successful digital marketing and design agency from the ground up and had the honor to run digital marketing for some of the biggest speakers, authors, coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs in the world. He has also consulted with numerous Fortune 1000 firms on their Web strategies.


    Michael is the former Chief Marketing Officer for Guerrilla Marketing International, and he is hand trained by the father of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson. Michael currently runs the premier marketing training company on the planet, No Joke Marketing®.


    Michael lives in Niagara Falls, NY with his wife Anna, twin boys Connor and Logan, and daughter Emma.


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    Marketing in the Moment: The Digital Marketing Guide to Generating More Sales and Reaching Your Customers First (2nd Edition), by Michael PDF

    Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

    [Z526.Ebook] Fee Download Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, by Malcolm Rowland, Thomas N. Tozer PharmD PhD

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    Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, by Malcolm Rowland, Thomas N. Tozer PharmD  PhD

    Formerly Clinical Pharmacokinetics: Concepts and Applications, this fully updated Fourth Edition has been retitled Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications to reflect the increasing body of knowledge linking the two concepts that explain the relationship between drug administration and drug response. This revised edition also reflects the explosion in our understanding at the molecular and mechanistic levels of all the processes controlling the pharmacokinetics of drugs. The text is authored by two leading international experts on the clinical aspects of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and is widely considered one of the authoritative texts on the subject.

    A companion website includes the full text online, plus interactive simulations for student practice using different pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models and parameters.

    • Sales Rank: #357622 in Books
    • Brand: Brand: Lippincott Williams Wilkins
    • Published on: 2010-01-28
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.90" h x 1.50" w x 7.20" l, 3.85 pounds
    • Binding: Hardcover
    • 864 pages
    • Used Book in Good Condition

    -- "This textbook covers a tremendous range of topics important in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. No other textbook does this as effectively as the Rowland and Tozer text." -- "I believe this book is the best written text for bridging the gap between basic PK and clinical PK."

    Most helpful customer reviews

    30 of 30 people found the following review helpful.
    Great book, the gold standard intro
    By model man
    This book is a very finely crafted comprehensive introduction to pharmacokinetics, with enough pharmacodynamics to give one context. If you are new to PK/PD and need to understand and work with the subject matter this is an EXCELLENT starting point and a fine reference. The prose is clear, the organization thoughtful, and the figures and diagrams are masterful - best in class. The authors are both renowned academics with extensive industrial experience. That background shines through in the thoughtful way that topics are motivated and explained. I found the questions useful and thought-provoking. Isn't it the case that the more iron one pumps in the gym, the stronger one is on the playing field?
    One thing that I would add to this book (and most other PK books I've seen) would be a comprehensive listing of the different math models (one or two compartment, IV, or zero or first order input, etc), highlighting different uses (closed form solutions are easiest to use for parameter estimations, ODE formulations for repeat dosing, etc.) and their different parameterizations. This book contains some of this information (e.g. Table 19-1), but an appendix with this info would be useful. An additional improvement with great teaching utility might be an elementary modeling/estimation program for MS-Excel.
    For those needing an overview of PK (e.g. a pharma executive responsible for a development program) without a lot of the details necessary for practitioners, a less-comprehensive book that is also very good is Peter Welling's "Pharmacokinetics". Gabriellson's and Weiner's book "PK and PD Data Analysis" has a more spotty overview of the basic subject matter, but does have descriptions of many techniques not found elsewhere. The latter book is "WinNonLin-centric" (WinNonLin is a program written by one of the authors) which may be what is wanted.
    My favorite intro book and basic referencer for PK is definitely Rowland and Tozer. Bravo!

    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
    Best reference on PK
    By Tyler Barbour
    This excellent book (1980 edition) was my introduction to this topic. I have it in my bookshelf and I keep referring back to it. Without planning it, I've become the resident PK expert in my department thanks to this reference! Thank you Drs. Rowland and Tozer.

    3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
    The Bible of Pharmcokinetics
    By Richard Wolf Wong
    "Clinical Pharmacokinetics: Concepts and Applications" (or better known as Rowland and Tozer) is a book filled with deep concepts and good explanations. It is the Bible of Pharmacokinetics. If there is a PK concept you want to look up, this book will be the first place you look for it. Before giving the review, let me introduce my background. I have a formal education in physical chemistry and analytical chemistry and am currently working in the field of pharma. I have currently read through half of this book. Although I have not completely finishing the book, I believe there is enough information to share.

    The previous PK book I read was Concepts In Clinical Pharmacokinetics by Joseph T. Dipiro and it is a shorter and simpler book than Rowland and Tozer. While "Concepts In Clinical Pharmacokinetics" was a delight to read, it is on the simpler side and a lot of concepts are left unexplained. When I was reading it, there were often moment of "How did he get from this to that?" or "Where this comes from?", and I had to stop reading and tried to derive the equations. In contrast, Rowland and Tozer explain the principles of PK in great details and often from multiple angles, so that the readers can fully appreciate how the concepts are linked together, how PK theories apply and how PK impacts pharmacology research and the drug discovery. The exercises are challenging, but not impossible. Well, a few of them are nearly impossible, but most of them can be worked out (even for someone of my background).

    I would love to give it a 4.5 stars, but that is not an option. I do see there are a few shortcomings in this book. Although it is very detailed, it can be too detailed for beginners, except for students who has more time. It is best to start off with a short and easy to read introductory book. Yes, Rowland and Tozer have explained many concepts in multiple ways and this is generally good, except when you are busy. Sometime, I just feel like: I get your point already. The Final and the real criticism is that the book can be a bit dry. Unlike "Concepts In Clinical Pharmacokinetics", this is not a book to be breezed through.

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    Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, by Malcolm Rowland, Thomas N. Tozer PharmD PhD PDF
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    Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, by Malcolm Rowland, Thomas N. Tozer PharmD PhD PDF

    Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, by Malcolm Rowland, Thomas N. Tozer PharmD PhD PDF
    Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, by Malcolm Rowland, Thomas N. Tozer PharmD PhD PDF

    Senin, 08 Maret 2010

    [D478.Ebook] Download Will They Do it Again?: Risk Assessment and Management in Criminal Justice and Psychiatry, by Prof Herschel Prins, Herschel Prins

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    Will They Do it Again?: Risk Assessment and Management in Criminal Justice and Psychiatry, by Prof Herschel Prins, Herschel Prins

    Focus in the media on the risks posed to ordinary people has become increasingly strong in recent years - particularly on those risks popularly perceived to be posed by the mentally ill. But how justified is this concern? How do we best manage so-called dangerous people?
    In Will They Do It Again? Herschel Prins considers the issue of public protection within a broad context of risk in society generally, examining the concerns arising in contemporary society from dealing with uncertainty. It is argued that public fear over the danger posed by the mentally ill is at odds with the evidence, and that much of the concern is focused on a small number of high-profile cases. Prins goes on to examine such cases where management of the mentally ill has failed and sets out suggestions for improvements in practice.
    Will They Do It Again? cuts through popular misunderstanding and media hype over risk to give a clear, unbiased picture of the real risks to society from the mentally ill and how best they can be contained and managed, and will prove invaluable to a range of practitioners involved in the fields of criminal justice and psychiatry.

    • Sales Rank: #1485710 in Books
    • Published on: 1999-11-13
    • Released on: 1999-09-09
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .44" w x 5.50" l, .52 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 192 pages

    Most helpful customer reviews

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    Will They Do it Again?: Risk Assessment and Management in Criminal Justice and Psychiatry, by Prof Herschel Prins, Herschel Prins PDF

    Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

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    Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud, by Brendan Gregg

    The Complete Guide to Optimizing Systems Performance


    Written by the winner of the 2013 LISA Award for Outstanding Achievement in System Administration

    Large-scale enterprise, cloud, and virtualized computing systems have introduced serious performance challenges. Now, internationally renowned performance expert Brendan Gregg has brought together proven methodologies, tools, and metrics for analyzing and tuning even the most complex environments. Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud focuses on Linux® and Unix® performance, while illuminating performance issues that are relevant to all operating systems. You’ll gain deep insight into how systems work and perform, and learn methodologies for analyzing and improving system and application performance. Gregg presents examples from bare-metal systems and virtualized cloud tenants running Linux-based Ubuntu®, Fedora®, CentOS, and the illumos-based Joyent® SmartOS™ and OmniTI OmniOS®. He systematically covers modern systems performance, including the “traditional” analysis of CPUs, memory, disks, and networks, and new areas including cloud computing and dynamic tracing. This book also helps you identify and fix the “unknown unknowns” of complex performance: bottlenecks that emerge from elements and interactions you were not aware of. The text concludes with a detailed case study, showing how a real cloud customer issue was analyzed from start to finish.


    Coverage includes

    • Modern performance analysis and tuning: terminology, concepts, models, methods, and techniques

    • Dynamic tracing techniques and tools, including examples of DTrace, SystemTap, and perf

    • Kernel internals: uncovering what the OS is doing

    • Using system observability tools, interfaces, and frameworks

    • Understanding and monitoring application performance

    • Optimizing CPUs: processors, cores, hardware threads, caches, interconnects, and kernel scheduling

    • Memory optimization: virtual memory, paging, swapping, memory architectures, busses, address spaces, and allocators

    • File system I/O, including caching

    • Storage devices/controllers, disk I/O workloads, RAID, and kernel I/O

    • Network-related performance issues: protocols, sockets, interfaces, and physical connections

    • Performance implications of OS and hardware-based virtualization, and new issues encountered with cloud computing

    • Benchmarking: getting accurate results and avoiding common mistakes


    This guide is indispensable for anyone who operates enterprise or cloud environments: system, network, database, and web admins; developers; and other professionals. For students and others new to optimization, it also provides exercises reflecting Gregg’s extensive instructional experience.


    • Sales Rank: #126080 in Books
    • Brand: Brand: Prentice Hall
    • Published on: 2013-10-26
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.10" h x 1.60" w x 6.90" l, 2.65 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 792 pages
    • Used Book in Good Condition

    About the Author

    Brendan Gregg, lead performance engineer at Joyent, analyzes performance and scalability throughout the software stack. As performance lead and kernel engineer at Sun Microsystems (and later Oracle), his work included developing the ZFS L2ARC, a pioneering file system technology for improving performance using flash memory. He has invented and developed many performance tools, including some that ship with Mac OS X and Oracle® Solaris™ 11. His recent work has included performance visualizations for Linux and illumos kernel analysis. For contributions to system administration, and his work on performance analysis methodologies, he is the recipient of the USENIX 2013 LISA Award for Outstanding Achievement in System Administration. He is also a coauthor of Dtrace: Dynamic Tracing in Oracle Solaris, Mac OS X and FreeBSD (Prentice Hall, 2011),  and Solaris™ Performance and Tools: DTrace and MDB Techniques for Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris, (Prentice Hall, 2007).

    Most helpful customer reviews

    28 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
    Best book about system performance ever
    By Olivier Bernhard
    I can still remember when i was downloading Brendan Gregg webinars about disk I/Os. It was obvious, this guy knew a lot about it and could explain it in most efficient way. I was just getting frustrated that all this knowledge was not put into a book. A few years later the "precious" is here ! This book is simply amazing, covering all possible aspects of system performance. You will not be overwhelmed : Brendan knows how to find a good balance between over simplification and too much details. You will learn what you really need to know (the internals), the good methods, the right tools. I can't thank enough Brendan Gregg to bring this new master piece i was waiting for so long.

    If you're a system administration, a developper, a "true" database administrator trying to understand how your database is likely to interact with the operating system & hardware, here you are. You can't afford to miss this book.

    13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
    Technical book of the year
    By Forrest L. Norvell
    Good books on analyzing performance seem to come out once every ten years or so, and this is this generation's classic work. Brendan's background in the development of DTrace and the analytic framework that he and his colleagues at Sun / Oracle and then Joyent have built up around it, as well as the methodologies he's been instrumental in developing (most notably the USE method), give him pretty much a unique level of analytic power. He organizes this material conceptually, grounding it in a discussion of tools and methods in chapter 2 and then working through those methods in the chapters that examine such performance topics as CPUs, operating systems, applications, and the like.

    12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
    This book has a fixed spot on my desk!
    By Pietro Michiardi
    I enjoyed reading this book because of its technical depth and rigour: topics are very well developed, and references are generally appropriate (although I sometimes found myself hoping for some must-read "academic" papers to be referenced as well).

    In my humble opinion, the use of this book goes beyond that of being a reference for system administrators and performance engineers: I use it extensively to guide my experimental evaluation of the performance of new applications or system components, as it provides solid methodologies that can be clearly described and used by others to validate results.

    To conclude, I highly recommend this book: it should become mandatory reading material for students working in systems research.

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    Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud, by Brendan Gregg PDF

    Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud, by Brendan Gregg PDF
    Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud, by Brendan Gregg PDF