Rabu, 19 November 2014

[D573.Ebook] Free Ebook Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach

Free Ebook Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach

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Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach

Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach

Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach

Free Ebook Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach

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Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach

Uniform customs administration is of great importance for the EU and the competitiveness of EU businesses in global trade. However, the so-called executive federalism raises the potential for the non-uniform application of EU customs law. This problem has already arisen in the WTO dispute settlement European Communities - Selected Customs Matters. Therefore, the central research question of this book looks at the challenge presented to Executive Federalism in the EU Customs Union by the WTO. The book also examines the safeguard measures for the uniform customs administration which are in operation. Valuable empirical analysis of the decision making procedures and practices of the national customs authorities allows for the fullest understanding of the operation of the customs administration. An important feature of this exploration is its analysis of the reform of EU customs law and of the effectiveness of the EU's strategies to enhance uniform customs administration. This analysis helps to identify potential weak points in the decentralized administration of EU customs law and suggests ways in which it might be improved. Scholarly, rigorous, and timely, this important study will be required reading for all scholars of EU customs law. (Series: Modern Studies in European Law) [Subject: EU Law, Customs Law, Economic Law, Trade Law]

  • Sales Rank: #7060866 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.30" h x 1.10" w x 6.40" l, 1.50 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 376 pages

Thanks to her detailed, thorough and copious research, the author Kathrin Limbach painstakingly constructs a substantially supported and therefore convincing case for - as the title indicates - uniformity of customs administration in the EU...Practitioners and indeed anyone charged with the analyses or interpretation of EU Customs law will no doubt find this timely treatise extremely useful. (Phillip Taylor MBE, Elizabeth Taylor)

About the Author
Kathrin Limbach is a Research Associate at the German Research Institute for Public Administration at Speyer.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Phillip Taylor MBE

An appreciation by Phillip Taylor MBE and Elizabeth Taylor of Richmond Green Chambers

International lawyers and certainly academics grappling with the complexities and often the uncertainties of customs law within the European Union will certainly welcome this new book from the Hart Publishing imprint of Bloomsbury.

Thanks to her detailed, thorough and copious research, the author Kathrin Limbach painstakingly constructs a substantially supported and therefore convincing case for – as the title indicates -- uniformity of customs administration in the EU.

One could infer that the aim here is the standardization, or you could call it -- the harmonisation of EU customs law throughout the EU, which, in the fullness of time, might lead to the eventual harmonization of European law in general. But as this possibility is remote at the moment (to say the least), the reform of EU customs law is the logical place to initiate the process of reform.

Certainly the standardization of EU customs law would have a practical value in that it would encourage greater competitiveness and facilitate more trade, the enhancement of trading conditions being original raison d’etre of the original European Economic Community. The vision of Europe as a trading bloc is of course the main reason why the UK became an EU member state.

What the book points up here is something of a paradox. ‘On the one hand,’ says the author ‘the EU is a customs union with its customs law harmonised and enacted centrally on the EU level.’ On the other hand, she adds, ‘EU customs law is applied and implemented by the national customs authorities of the EU member states.’ Customs administration in the EU is therefore in fact, decentralized, which, as you might say, makes things tougher for the efficient functioning of the EU as a Customs Union.

As reform is clearly required, the book touches on the role of the WTO (World Trade Organisation) of which the EU is a member -- and which could conceivably challenge the current status quo. In the meantime, decision makers in this area need detailed guidance and solid information on, for example, the relevant decision-making processes and procedures implemented by the national customs authorities in the EU. In this respect the book excels, with its detailed discussions of tools, mechanisms and strategies.

Part III of the book is especially interesting, calling as it does, for a modernized customs code and an electronic customs initiative as part of a reformed European IT strategy, the facilitation of global trade and greater economic prosperity being the aims in view.

Practitioners and indeed anyone charged with the analysis or interpretation of EU customs law will no doubt find this timely treatise extremely useful. When in particular you consider the extensive footnoting and the twenty page bibliography, we feel that the book functions admirably as a rich resource of recent and current research.

The publication date is cited as at 2015.

See all 1 customer reviews...

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Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach PDF

Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach PDF

Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach PDF
Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union (Modern Studies in European Law), by Kathrin Limbach PDF

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